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What Is Your Vision For The Future?

Joanne Burke-Sherman • Jun 22, 2022

What Is Vision?

According to a definition from Oxford Languages, it means “ the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.”

I know you think about the future. So, what are you imagining? What wisdom can you bring to the future?

As someone with a child with a cognitive disability. I have been imagining something different for a long time. Why? Well, when we see our kids struggle, we know there has to be a way of life that will make them happier.

Have you found a program where your child really feels connected and likes learning?  If yes, I am so happy for you. If not, you may feel like I have always felt - like I was trying to put a square peg into a round hole. Sometimes where my son fit cognitively, he did not fit socially and sometimes here he fit socially, he did not fit cognitively. There are many variables to help something be a good fit for your special needs child.

How has all this affected you?  I was speaking to a dad recently who is a contractor. He has a child that just turned 22 and he is having trouble finding services, because there are limited resources after your child is no longer on an IEP. His child has not been given enough skills to live independently; and now, this dad is having trouble working full time because he has to stay home and help his child. He is trying to provide financially, while also trying to help physically in person. This is tough to balance for anyone; and as you can imagine has created a lot of stress for him, and probably his child as well.

How does that make you feel now?  Well, I know I have been frustrated for years; and I bet many of you are as well.  These are our kids.  This is their future.  What happens when we are no longer here to help support them?  Where will they live?  Who will help take care of them? - their finances, their health, and more.  Many people are very worried about how this all works out.  We need more clarity.

We have found a solution!! Well, just like many programs out there, this one will not be for everyone. That said, it will be a fantastic solution for so many.

  • Is your son or daughter burned out by traditional academics?
  • Is your son or daughter a hands on type of worker or learner?
  • Is your son or daughter interested in learning skills in the trades?
  • Is your son or daughter interested in landscaping, painting, plastering, handy work?
  • Does your son or daughter have a cognitive disability?
  • Could your on or daughter benefit from some mind-body techniques to manage stress?
  • Is your son or daughter interested in making friends with similar interests?
  • Has your son or daughter shown interest in trade schools but could not handle the academics?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, this might just be a great program for your child.  We want to bring about joy in education and learning.  We want to bring about joy in finding life purpose…. And why not?  Life is meant to be fun.

When we have a good mix of students, staff and support, then we will achieve great things.

Our plan includes the following:

  • Staff that changes the lives of our students through compassion, humor, understanding and the joy of loving what they do.
  • Staff that provides skills, knowledge, and teaching styles that help launch careers that have not been accessible before.
  • Students that bring the desire that has often been there since they were kids.
  • Students that are thankful for the opportunity to learn like never before.
  • Everyone having fun the way life is meant to be.

We would love your help on this adventure to see how life purpose becomes a reality when the right tools are provided.  We would love to hear your vision of a future for our kids.  We would love to share and learn from your wisdom.  We all have slightly different journeys, but there is power in bringing our ideas and vision together.  So, I thank you in advance for any help, support, vision and wisdom!!

Are you interested in volunteering or looking for ways to help?  

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Are you interested in applying?  

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#Vision #Wisdom #SpecialNeeds #SpecialDesires #Trades #Painting #Plastering #Landscaping #Power #Donation #Volunteer #Joy #LifePurpose #Skills #Dharma

By Joanne Burke-Sherman 13 Oct, 2023
Making A Difference In The Disability Community
By Joanne Burke-Sherman 06 Jul, 2023
Introduction In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it is crucial to prioritize our mental and physical well-being. For individuals with cognitive disabilities, this importance is magnified, as they strive to learn job skills and life skills to lead productive and fulfilling lives. At Dharma Dreams Vocational Center, we use a unique approach incorporating meditation and mind-body techniques, such as connecting with nature, breath work, and yoga. These all can help transform the lives of individuals with cognitive disabilities. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of these practices and how they empower individuals to enhance their well-being and cultivate a sense of purpose. 
By Joanne Burke-Sherman 16 Jun, 2023
Introduction In a world that thrives on diversity and inclusion , it is imperative that we recognize and celebrate the unique talents and abilities of every individual, including those with cognitive disabilities. At Dharma Dreams Vocational Center, our mission is to empower adults aged 18-26 with cognitive disabilities by providing specialized education and vocational training in trades such as landscaping, painting, and plastering. Dharma has to do with Life Purpose and the mission of Dharma Dreams Vocational Center is to provide real life job skills for young adults who learn differently. We inspire students to exceed their own expectations using technical training, the power of positivity, and balancing mind, body and soul in order to achieve their highest potential and their life purpose. Today, we are thrilled to announce a significant development that will further enhance our impact in the community: our partnership with The League School and other like-minded organizations to form The Collaborative Neurodiversity Employment Incubator Project. Creating Opportunities Through Collaboration The Collaborative Neurodiversity Employment Incubator Project brings together passionate organizations committed to championing neurodiversity and fostering inclusive employment opportunities in our communities. Through the development of businesses and strategic partnerships , the project aims to address the unique employment needs of neurodiverse individuals, ensuring they have access to meaningful and fulfilling work. The Importance of Neurodiversity Employment Initiatives Neurodiverse individuals possess a wide range of skills, talents, and perspectives that can greatly enrich our workplaces and communities. However, they often face significant barriers when seeking employment, leading to underutilization of their potential. By actively promoting neurodiversity employment initiatives, we can break down these barriers and create a more inclusive society that values and embraces the contributions of all individuals.
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